1. Jarvenpaa, S.L., & J. Mao, “Operational capabilities development in mediated offshore software services models,” Journal of Information Technology, 23(3), 3-17, March 2008.
2. Mao, J., & Song, W., “Critical Success Factors and Pitfalls in Joint Information Systems Development: A Descriptive Case Study of a Large Bank Project in China,” Tsinghua Science and Technology (in English), in press.
3. Mao, J., Vredenburg, K., Smith, P.W., and Carey, T., “The state of user-centered design practice,” Communications of the ACM, Vol. 48, No.3, 105-109, March 2005.
4. Mao, J. and Brown, B.R., “The effectiveness of online task support versus instructor-led training,” Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, Vol. 17, No. 3, 27-46, 2005.
5. Markus, M.L. and Mao, J., “Participation in development and implementation,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 5, No.11-12, 514-544, December 2004.
6. Leung, M.Y.W. and Mao, J., “Proactive task support enabled by a neural network: a prototype for telephone triage,” International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol.17, No. 3., 309-332, 2004.
7. Mao, J., “Electronic performance support: An end-user training perspective,” Journal of Information Technology Theory & Applications, Vol. 5, No. 4, 51-67, 2004.
8. 毛基业,张霞,案例研究:方法的规范性及现状评估,管理世界,2008年,第四期, 115-121。
9. 左美云,毛基业,林希,中国MIS领域教师科研状况研究,管理学报,Vol. 5, No. 3, May 2008, 14-23。
10. 张喆,毛基业,我国国有商业银行网上银行可用性测评,信息系统学报,2008年,第二期 (已接受)。
11. 宋文墨,毛基业,浅探互联网应用中的同质化与差异化, 清华大学学报(自然科学版),Vol. 46 No. z1, 2006。CN 11-2223/N。(EI 收录)。
12. 左美云,毛基业,中国企业首席信息官的状况和影响研究,管理科学,18(4),48-53,2005。8.。(ISSN1672-0334)CN23-1510/C。
1. 2007-2009 国家自然科学基金 以用户为中心的信息化项目实施方法及其对ERP项目的作用实证研究,(项目批准号:70671103),人民币19万,正在进行。
2. 2001-2004加拿大自然科学与工程研究基金 (NSERC–Natural Science and Engineering Research Council),Performance support through enhanced access to knowledge,加币$88,000(约人民币60万),已完成。
3. 加拿大社会与人文科学研究基金 (SSHRC-Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council),Electronic performance support: A new paradigm for computer end-user training, 加币$51,900(约人民币36万),已完成。
4. 2000-2001 IBM高级研究中心(IBM Centre for Advanced Study,Toronto)An assessment of the state of the art of user-centered design 加币$20,000(约人民币15万),已完成。